It’s Simple…
Because of metabolism, our bodies contain toxins. Normally, these toxins are removed from our muscles through our blood and lymphatic circulation. Blood carries some of the toxins to the liver, where those toxins are filtered out. Lymph carries larger toxins to our lymph nodes, where those toxins are filtered out. This specialized filtration process keeps our muscles healthy and happy. Enter the “Pain-Spasm-Pain” cycle.

When a muscle is in pain, whether from injury or stress, it spasms (tenses up) to protect itself from further injury. When the muscle is in a spasm, the circulation to that muscle is reduced (like standing on a garden hose). Meanwhile, metabolism continues to produce toxins, but because of the pain, spasm, and reduced circulation, those toxins begin to accumulate in the muscles (like a log jam). The accumulated toxins further irritate the muscle (because they don’t belong there), causing more pain. And when the muscle is in pain, it spasms, circulation is reduced, more toxins accumulate, causing more pain, spasm, and on and on.
Doctors attempt to break this cycle with pain relievers, or they’ll approach the spasms with muscle relaxers. Massage therapists use different techniques designed to relax the muscle manually, without drugs. When the muscle spasm is reduced, the circulation improves naturally, and the accumulated toxins are released. The desired result is reduced pain and increased flexibility.