
Hello, and welcome to my website.

After more than 57 years (since Jan. 1968) in the medical profession, I currently offer 4 main types of therapy, all of which can relieve chronic (long standing) and acute (recent) pain, and 3 which can literally accelerate ALL healing including injuries, illnesses, diseases, and emotional issues, even from a distance!

I’ve been offering massage therapy since 1987 (Florida License #MA 9054); Quantum-Touch® (QT), an amazing energy-based modality which uses Universal Life Force energy to help you heal, since 2002;  the Domancic [doh-MAHN-cheech] Method (DM) of Bioenergy Therapy (another energy-based modality which balances the bioenergy field surrounding and permeating your physical body) since October, 2008; Level 2 of the Domancic Method since June, 2010; Raymon Grace’s Dowsing techniques since October, 2011; and QT 2.0 since October, 2016. There’s more about Quantum-Touch and the Domancic Method further down this page.

I recently (Feb. 2025) added a separate page describing Raymon Grace’s Dowsing techniques. https://www.muchkneaded.com/dowsing-raymon-grace/

There is more to a massage than the application of one or more physical techniques. The attitude, the energy, the focus, and the intention of the therapist directly influence the outcome of the massage. I have received massages from therapists who, during my session, shared their own personal problems. I actually felt worse after those massages! Another therapist I went to for a relaxing massage couldn’t stop herself from digging in on every knot she found in my body. When I brought it to her attention that I was there to relax, she said, “But you need this.” I knew I needed some deep work, but that’s not why I was there on that day. Once again, I was disappointed.

Therapists whose fingers and/or breath literally reek of cigarette smoke are simply not conscious of how offensive and distracting the odor is to their non-smoking clients. I’ve been to therapists whose touch was so light that I felt like I hadn’t even been massaged – I’d been “fluffed”. On the other hand (no pun intended), I went to a Scottish man who did a “Lymphatic Pump: Thoracic Outlet” technique as part of his Myofascial Release routine. He compressed my chest so deeply and for so long that I literally could not inhale to the point where I actually thought I was going to pass out! I suppose that’s one way to relax, but it was not what I was seeking.

For 1 hour to 90 minutes every morning, before I even get out of bed, I practice “Knowledge”: four simple techniques designed to take me within to experience the source of love, the source of peace, the source of happiness that exists within the heart of every human being. Knowing that place within has helped me to see that place inside everyone else. Because we all have the same Creator, we truly are brothers and sisters. This awareness is present during every massage, Quantum-Touch, and Domancic session I offer. To learn more about “Knowledge” being freely offered by Prem Rawat, please visit www.premrawat.com or www.wopg.org.

Quantum-Touch (QT), as I will mention more than once on this site, is an amazing energy-based healing modality. I was so impressed with the speed at which people were healing that I became a Certified QT Instructor and Practitioner to help others learn this valuable tool so they, too, can help heal their children, their families, their pets, their plants, and themselves. Update: When Quantum-Touch began to charge a fee to maintain my instructor status I was unable to pay that fee. Therefore, I am no longer authorized to teach Quantum-Touch. If you’d like to learn the Quantum-Touch techniques, please visit the Quantum-Touch website and click on the “LEARN NOW” heading at the top of their home page.

Reiki Masters who have learned Quantum-Touch say it “turbo charges” their Reiki sessions. One Reiki Master described Quantum-Touch as “Reiki on steroids”. Qi Gong Masters say it triples their output. Medical Doctors, Chiropractors, Acupuncturists, nurses, physical therapists, massage therapists, personal trainers, and people with no prior experience have ALL reported phenomenal, almost unbelievable results using the simple techniques taught in the Quantum-Touch workshops. As a stand-alone modality, or in conjunction with other modalities, Quantum-Touch truly is an invaluable tool that you can use the rest of your life.

I’ve been so impressed with what I’ve seen using QT that I’ve added a “QT Healing Stories” page to this website where I share only SOME of the results my clients have experienced.

Quantum-Touch Level 2 (QT 2.0) is the most advanced version of this modality. After hearing that Richard Gordon, the developer of QT and author of “Quantum-Touch: The Power to Heal”, had published a new book, “Quantum-Touch 2.0 – The New Human: Discovering and Becoming”, I purchased his book in June, 2016. I began to practice the techniques and, within the first MONTH, quickly learned that I was able to align bones, relieve pain and effectively help others with emotional issues without even touching the client, AND that it is just as effective FROM A DISTANCE! Some of the remarkable results I personally witnessed between June and the QT2 Workshop at the end of October, and since then, are posted on my QT Healing Stories page.

Dowsing (Raymon Grace) For more information about dowsing, please click here: https://www.muchkneaded.com/dowsing-raymon-grace/

The Domancic Method of Bioenergy Therapy (DM) has become another one of my favorite energy-based healing modalities. The results I’ve seen have impressed me enough to add 3 pages of information to this website including the history of the method, the extensive list of health problems which can be alleviated, or entirely eliminated, by following the Domancic protocols, and some of the healing stories I have personally witnessed using this remarkable technique. There is also a link to a 50-minute documentary about Mr. Domancic and bioenergy therapy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Efa6PDkw6UU&t=867s

Although Quantum-Touch and Bioenergy Therapy use the same energy, the difference is that the Domancic Method restricts the healing to 2 ailments per 4-day session, whereas multiple ailments can be addressed within 1 Quantum-Touch session.

Disclaimer: I totally understand that “I” am not a healer! The person who is sick or injured and gets well is the healer. The energy-based modalities I use simply help to create the optimal environment for your body to heal itself. I see myself as a conduit for the healing energy to pass through me, not from me. And, for that, I’m grateful.

Important: Because “I” am not a healer, I cannot accept any “credit” for healing someone, nor can I accept any “blame” for NOT healing someone.

My Fees:

  • 1-hour massage: $65 (I no longer offer “out calls”, i.e., home or office massages)
  • 30-minute massage: $35.00 (again, no out calls)
  • ALL Quantum-Touch sessions: $35.00 per 30 minutes, and $60.00 for 1 hour (local or distant) 
  • Dowsing: Only $1.00 per minute (local or distant)
  • The 4-day Domancic Method of Bioenergy Therapy sessions: For donations only! (click on the DM Protocols link for an explanation of the sessions)

NOTE: Because Quantum-Touch, Dowsing, and the Domancic Method of Bioenergy Therapy are energy-based modalities, they can be effective from any distance! I have successfully worked with clients all over Europe, the U.K., Ireland, Canada, all over the U.S. and Australia while sitting right here in my living room. Distant therapy clients simply submit their payment/donations via VENMO, Cash App, or the PayPal button located at the bottom of my “DM Protocols” page.

So, if you are someone who actually lives anywhere on, in or around Planet Earth, please contact me for an appointment. In my home office, I will make a conscious effort to pay attention to your requests and needs, while upholding the laws of Florida Statute 480, the Quantum-Touch Code of Ethics, and the Domancic Method of Bioenergy Therapy Code of Ethics.

I look forward to working with you, your children, your pets, your family and friends.

Love and Peace to all.

“Outside – the ultimate variable. Inside – the ultimate constant. Choose one and be done with the paradox.” – Prem Rawat


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"...a professional massage therapist."
Francis Ford Coppola, Movie Director, Wine Maker

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